GroovyKids® Yoga Teacher Training 17 & 18 Apr 2020
About this Training We’re backin Bahrain for a second visit and we present to you the highly acclaimed 15-hour program that has brought delight and joy to kids across the globe! Learn what works and why, learn a sequence that you can teach repeatedly, and discover how to vary it easily. Incorporating simple breathing techniques and songs into our practice, we show you what a well-balanced kids yoga movement class is, and after we've studied the theory, we put it all into practice at the end, with a free GroovyKids® Yoga demo class! You will gain enough knowledge and insight into your strengths and thought patterns, and will come away ready to teach kids yoga anywhere. Come and find out what over 1,500 teachers worldwide have found out, and learn from a global leader in the field, with over 180 trainings taught. No previous experience needed, we have trained teachers successfully with zero experience all over the world.
About GroovyKids® Yoga Founded in 2004 by Greville Henwood, GroovyKids® Yoga has travelled across the globe offering 10, 15,20and 30-hour Teacher Training programs more than 180 times since 2006.
With over 1,500 teachers worldwide, many of whom are now teaching licensed GroovyKids® Yoga classes on four continents, in kindergartens and yoga studios, middle school playgrounds and private homes, the program brings delight to kids globally.
After studying Child Development in College and completing numerous training courses, Greville designed the GroovyKids® Yoga Teacher Training around the interaction between student and teacher, an approach that has proved successful and joyful for both.
Teaching adults and kids since 1997, Greville is a former Senior Teacher Trainer at Yoga Works, with his teachers and mentors Maty Ezraty, Lisa Walford and Annie Carpenter as his main influences. He also completed a six-month apprenticeship with Maty and Annie in 2003. More details on
The Details Date: 17 & 18 Apr 2020 Time: 9am to 5pm Price: BD180 To Book: Call 17591565 or email [email protected]